OX Web Agency

Conversations That Empower Your Company

Empower your team. Automate Customer Experience=Increased Profits    

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See What We Can Do For Your Business

Retail Chatbot

End-to-end retail chatbot

Complete retail chatbot that

  • Can help produce sales
  • Completes information capture
  • Recommends products / services and more
  • 24/7
Customer Support Chatbot

End-to-end support chatbot

Complete support chatbot that can

  • Provide 24/7 support
  • Provide order status
  • Provide tracking info
  • Create support ticket
Internal Assistant Chatbot

Automation Bot

Complete automation chatbot that can

  • Onboard new employees
  • Train employees using company documents and online sources
  • Organizes company docs, like PDF files into a single database. Ask questions and receive accurate relevant answers 

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